Repair Lifecycle at your fingertips in Real-Time


About Real Time Site Assessment

RTSA is the complete package.

The platform is the collective result of more than 60 years’ experience working firsthand in the Property Repair Industry, primarily across Facility Management and Insurance Building.

The mobile application enables all users at any skill level to seamlessly tick all the boxes through the maintenance or repair life cycle. The intelligent application through generic business rules governs the repair activities from the outset managing Make Safes through to Completion.

Talk to us about your specific requirements and enhancements to improve your client’s experience.


Happy Clients


Specialist’s Reports


Sites Assessed


Insightful Reports

In our industry, regular communication is vital and often takes the form of a site reporting in an industry “approved” template that consistently meets a fundamental standard.

Notes Dictation

To record accurately and effectively the site conditions and requirements. Our platform supports a sophisticated dictation to text feature that continuously improves itself understanding your voice and commands. If errors occur, you have the full capability to change in the field or from the HTML platform.

Sync between devices

Synchronize all projects between different devices

Collaboration Partners

Please register you interest as a collaboration partner to undertake Facility Repairs and Insurance Repair work per your trade type and expertise

Simple, Transparent Pricing

($12.50AUD ex GST)/($10.00USD)

Site Estimations

Submit a complete Estimate with value add including:

  • Company Name
  • Company LOGO
  • Attending Technician Name
  • Prescribed Rate Cards
  • Defaulted Attendance date and time
  • Client discussion - Dictation to Text
  • Detailed property description
  • Flag outstanding issues
  • Include multiple labelled photos
  • Tax Invoice

($9.50AUD ex GST)/($7.50USD)

Specialist Reporting

Submit a complete and professional Specialist Report from site that includes:

  • Company Name
  • Company LOGO
  • Attending Technician Name
  • Predefined Template with drop downs
  • Defaulted Attendance date and time
  • Client discussion
  • Dictation to Text
  • Dynamic List to suite your requirements
  • Include multiple labelled photos
  • Recommended Repair Method notes
  • Ability to complete a quote for the repairs.
  • Tax Invoice

($7.50AUD ex GST)/($5.50USD)

Progress Reporting

Progress Reporting is a key component to our client communication and key stakeholders.

  • Variation reporting
    • Variation Notes
    • Multiple photos labelled and marked up
    • Estimation Platform
  • Progress reporting
    • Lookup to approved scope of works per affected area.
    • Capture anticipated completion dates for each area.
    • Dictation progress notes
    • Document percentile progress per area of work
  • Project Completion
    • Lookup approved scope of works per affected area.
    • Capture anticipated completion dates for each area.
    • Dictate completion notes.
    • Completion signatures for customer and supervisor
  • Tax Invoice
Download Now

Take your business to the next level, save time and money on quality site assessments and reporting on standard and consistent industry accepted templates. Use our years of experience to put hours back in your day.

Download the app now from the App Store and become part of the RTSA community TODAY !!

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